Project 1.4.2022-31.3.2025 by
Gerrit Lohmann
Team: Gerrit Lohmann,
Butzin, Edouard
We reconstruct the distribution of radiocarbon at the sea surface
with unprecedented temporal and spatial resolution and simulate it using
a novel multi-scale climate radiocarbon model. This will allow marine
data to be corrected and hypotheses about abrupt climate changes during
the last ice age to be tested.
The Marine Reservoir Effect in C-14 is a phenomenon that works as a
proxy for several climate-related parameters. Still, the MRE remains
understudied in many locations around the globe, limiting our
understanding of the global carbon cycle and how it responds to climate
change. Taking advantage of the state-of-the-art facilities available in
the host institutions, the investigators will be able to achieve
high-quality data that are much needed at this moment of profound
changes in climate. Indeed, by providing the quantification of the MRE
for key locations in the main ocean basins, the MARCARA project aims to
fill a long-standing gap in radiocarbon research. The project combines
both experimental data acquired in the lab with numerical modelling,
which is a powerful combination that will strengthen the outcomes of the
project. This type of approach has been successfully used in climate
research and remains crucial for the understanding of climate evolution
in different timescales. Focusing on the last deglacial, which is a key
period for understanding the Earth Climate System, the project is an
ambitious undertaking that has the potential to enhance our knowledge of
the climate system stimulating new research on a variety of topics,
ranging from archaeology and cultural heritage to the geosciences. By
providing these data, the MARCARA project is likely to positively impact
the radiocarbon community helping to unravel the mechanisms involved in
climate variations over the past.
Example of Reservoir Ages
- Atmospheric radiocarbon concentrations in terms of F14C (the
fractionation-corrected and normalized 14C/12C ratio) according to the
Hulu Cave speleothem record (Cheng et al., 2018; Southon et al., 2012).
Upper and lower curves span the uncertainty range (mean values ±2σ). b)
Ensemble simulations of marine 14C for the past 50 kyr forced with
atmospheric F14C according to Hulu Cave, shown is the period where 14C
dating is not further constrained through continuous tree ring 14C
records. (c) Corresponding ensemble simulations of marine 14C expressed
as 14C age with respect to the contemporaneous atmosphere (the Marine
Reservoir Age); values are averaged between 50°N and 50°S. CS, GS, and
PD specify different ocean states with weak, intermediate, and strong
overturning (Butzin et al., 2020). (d) Marine reservoir age simulated
for the Last Glacial Maximum; shown is the ensemble median of the
transient simulations. Filled circles are foraminifera-based marine
reservoir ages compiled by Skinner et al. (2017). Source
Web site
Project MArine radioCArbon Reservoir Age
Lohmann, G., M. Butzin, N. Eissner, X. Shi, C. Stepanek, 2020: Abrupt
climate and weather changes across timescales. Paleoceanography and
Paleoclimatology 35 (9), e2019PA003782, DOI:10.1029/2019PA003782,
Special Section AGU Grand Challenges in the Earth and Space Sciences.
(link to
PANGAEA) (link to
Butzin, M., Ye, Y., Völker, C., Gürses, Ö., Hauck, J., and Köhler, P.:
Carbon isotopes in the marine biogeochemistry model FESOM2.1-REcoM3,
EGUsphere [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2023-1718, 2023.
Accepted for publication in Geoscientific Model Development on 9 January
Ye, Y., Munhoven, G., Köhler, P., Butzin, M., Hauck, J., Gürses, Ö., and
Völker, C.: FESOM2.1-REcoM3-MEDUSA2: an ocean-sea ice-biogeochemistry
model coupled to a sediment model, Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss.
[preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-2023-181, 2023. (in
Beisel, E., Frank, N., Robinson, L. F., Lausecker, M., Friedrich, R.,
Therre, S., Schröder-Ritzrau, A., Butzin, M. (2023).: Climate induced
thermocline aging and ventilation in the eastern Atlantic over the last
32,000 years. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 38, e2023PA004662.
https://doi.org/10.1029/2023PA004662 https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2023PA004662
Heaton, T.J., Butzin, M., Bard, E., Bronk Ramsey, C., Hughen, K.A.,
2023;65(4):848-875. doi:10.1017/RDC.2023.42
Ruben, M., Hefter, J., Schubotz, F., Geibert, W., Butzin, M., Gentz, T.,
Grotheer, H., Forwick, M., Szczuciński, W., Mollenhauer, G.: Fossil
organic carbon utilization in marine Arctic fjord sediments by
subsurface micro-organisms. Nature Geoscience, 16, 625–630 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-023-01198-z
Butzin, M. Köhler, P., Lohmann, G.: Prospects and limitations of marine
radiocarbon simulations in (paleo) climate studies 24th Radiocarbon and
the 10th Radiocarbon & Archaeology Conferences, Zürich, 11 – 16
September 2022 (invited talk)
Butzin, M., Köhler, P., Völker, C., Ye, Y., and Lohmann, G.: How
accurate are marine Δ14CDIC modelling approaches?, EGU General Assembly
2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1481, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1481, 2023
Wir werden die Verteilung von Radiokohlenstoff an der
Meeresoberfläche mit bisher nicht gekannter zeitlicher und räumlicher
Auflösung rekonstruieren und mit Hilfe eines neuartigen multiskaligen
Klima-Radiokohlenstoff-Modells simulieren. Dadurch können marine Daten
korrigiert und Hypothesen über abrupte Klimaveränderungen während der
letzten Eiszeit getestet werden.
DFG Projekt:
MArine radioCArbon Reservoir Alter
Subject Area: Atmospheric Science, Oceanography and Climate Research
Geology and Palaeontology, Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Term: since 2019