Proposal for GAFOS 2002 Meeting
Gerrit Lohmann
Culture-Climate-Catastrophe (CCC)
is a hot topic in archaeology, anthropology and climate research
and links several disciplines together.
Questions are related to:
How did past cultures respond to multicentury-scale climate changes ?
Placing the archeological record of cultural change within the context of
detailed and well-dated paleoclimate records presents a new opportunity
to examine how complex societies responded to persistent enviromental changes.
Whole empires collapsed and their people were diminished to much lower subsistence levels,
whereas in other cases populations migrated and adapted to new subsistence modes.
Joint archeologic and paleoclimate histories illustrate
past cultural responses to climate change:
The collapse of the Akkadian (ca. 4200 years BP),
Classic Mayan (ca. 1200 years BP), Mochica (1500 years BP),
and Tiwanaku (ca.1000 years BP) empires.
Anthropology provides a key perspective in the social sciences, history,
and climate. Special focus has been set on the study of human evolution,
past societies, diseases, and culture. Recently, there is an ongoing effort of
to combine physical data with other kind of information in order to obtain
insights into Earth history relevant for different scientific communities.
I think the CCC topic is well situated for a frontiers meeting due to
its interdisciplinary character and recent progress in the field of research
(see some references below).
Cullen, H.M., deMenocal, P.B., Hemming, S., Hemming, G., Brown, F.H.,
Guilderson, T. & Sirocko, F. (2000).
Climate change and the collapse of the Akkadian empire:
Evidence from the deep sea. Geology, 28. 379-382.
deMenocal, P.B., Cultural responses to climate change during the late Holocene,
Science, 292, 667-673, 2001.
deMenocal, P.B, Ortiz, J., Guilderson, T., Adkins, J., Sarnthein, M., Baker, L., and
Yarusinski, M., Abrupt onset and termination of
the African Humid Period: Rapid climate
response to gradual insolation forcing. Quat. Sci. Rev, 19, p. 347-361, 2000.
Glaser, R. (2001): Klimageschichte Mitteleuropas - 1000 Jahre Wetter, Klima, Katastrophen.
Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, (Darmstadt).
Luterbacher, J., et al., 2000: Monthly mean pressure reconstruction for the
Late Maunder Minimum Period (AD 1675-1715).
International Journal of Climatology, 20: 1049-1066.
Sandweiss, D.H. 1986. The Beach Ridges at Santa, Peru: El Niņo, Uplift, and Prehistory.
Geoarchaeology 1:17-28.
Sandweiss, D.H., J.B. Richardson III, E.J. Reitz, H.B. Rollins, and K.A. Maasch 1996.
Geoarchaeological Evidence from Peru for a 5,000 BP Onset of El Niņo.
Science 273:1531-1533.
Sandweiss, D.H., H. McInnis, R.L. Burger, A. Cano, B. Ojeda, R. Paredes, M.C. Sandweiss, and M.D. Glascock 1998. Quebrada Jaguay: Early South American Maritime Adaptations.
Science 281:1830-1832
National Academy of Sciences / Humboldt Foundation
Frontiers of Science Symposia
2002 Symposium on Culture-Climate-Catastrophe
Peter deMenocal,
USA. Climate research. (also chair of the session)
Daniel Sandweiss, USA. Anthropology.
Gerald Haug,
Dept. of Earth Sciences
ETH-Center, Sonneggstr. 5, CH-8092 Zuerich, Switzerland.
Tel.: +41 (0) 1 632 3676
Fax.: +41 (0) 1 632 1080
Gerrit Lohmann
Chris McKay