Energy balance model and feedbacks

Use the model from here or there


Instructions to run EBM_for_Students.ipynb

Important: Pay attention to the use of pip3. If you enter pip, python 2.x is used, if you enter pip3, python 3.x is used.

If a virtual environment has been created (for example with pyenv), there may be deviations.

  1. Install python (3.7.1 or newer) check if alredy installed: > python –version

  2. Install pip or conda check if alredy installed: > pip3 –version pip3: conda: (on MacOS with installed homebrew you can type “brew install pip“ in terminal)

  3. Install jupyterlab with pip or conda check if alredy installed: > jupyter-lab –version > pip3 install jupyterlab or > conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab

-> Instead of the whole Jupyterlab you can just install Jupyter Notebook: > pip3 install jupyter

  1. Install required python packages: tqdm, numpy, matplotlib, ipywidgets, warnings and seaborn > pip3 install tqdm numpy matplotlib ipywidgets warnings seaborn or > conda install -c conda-forge tqdm numpy matplotlib ipywidgets warnings seaborn

  2. enable ipywidgets in jupyterlab (if it does this not automatically)

  3. start jupyterlab > jupyter-lab (This should open a browser window with the lab in it)

  4. Select EBM_for_Students.ipynb and run all cells





Lohmann, G., 2020 Climate Dynamics: Concepts, Scaling and Multiple Equilibria. Lecture Notes 2020, Bremen, Germany.

Lohmann, 2020 Temperatures from energy balance models: the effective heat capacity matters, Earth Syst. Dynam., 11, 1195–1208.

Wagner and Eisenman, 2015 How Climate Model Complexity Influences Sea Ice Stability. Journal of Climate.

Berger A., 1978 Long-term variations of daily insolation and Quaternary climatic changes. Journal of Atmospheric Science, 35(12), 2362-2367.