Lecture: June 17, 2:15 pm
Time required for each lecture: 7 h
9) Cryosphere (focus on Sea ice)
- What will happen if the CO2 content in the atmosphere is doubled? Radiative forcing= 4 Wm-2
- What will happen if the factor γ is 1% higher/lower in the long-wave radiation?
- Describe the effect if the diffusivity is enhanced by a factor of 2!
- The coalbedo of sea ice can vary between 0.3 and 0.4. Describe the effect when varying the value!
- Write down the numerical scheme (time stepping etc. from the source code) !
- Show the evolution at one specific latitude and discuss it!
Learning outcome:
EBM & Sea ice
Arctic sea ice
Seasonal cycle
Energy balance model: key approximations
Effects of:
solar constant
Numerical scheme