Supervision of Students:
We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves (Galileo Galilei). Student supervision in cooperation with University Bremen in the postgraduate programme environmental physics (pep). External students from other universities are welcome to make their thesis at AWI (some hints for thesis writing).Here the sheet for applying the thesis paper, thesis.
Former Bachelor Students:
- Alina Gainusa-Bogdan (Jacobs University Bremen), 2008, Climate Sensitivity Experiments with the Portable University Model of the Atmosphere – Conditions for Radical Climate Change (main supervision: Dr. Klaus Grosfeld)
- Moritz Krieger (Uni Bremen), Einfluss von atmosphärischer Zirkulation und regionalen Klimaeffekten auf das Datum der Weinernte in Frankreich: Untersuchung mit Methoden der statistischen Datenanalyse, 2008
- Nina Eissler (University of Osnabrück, Department of Neuroinformatics, 2018): Stochastic occurrence of warming events on millennial time scale.
- Stephanie Meier (Free University of Berlin, Meteorology), 2019: Simulated climate and vegetation patterns during the Pliocene using an Earth System Model, supervision with Dr. Christian Stepanek and Dr. Ingo Kirchner
- Julia Nixdorf (2020, Uni Bremen, Geography), Investigation of long-term stable isotopic composition of river water. Supervision with Dr. Monica Ionita and Dr. Martin Werner
- Jule Schrepfer, TU Uni Illmenau, 2022, Wiederkehrzeiten von Hitzeextremen im Klimamodell AWI-ESM2.1, co-supervision: Dr. Christian Stepanek
- Benjamin Schwertfeger, Hochschule Bremerhaven, 2022: The influence of bias corrections on variability, distribution, and correlation of temperatures in comparison to observed and modeled climate data in Europe. Cooperation with Prof. Dr. Henrik Lipskoch, University of Applied Science Bremerhaven, Germany
- Nils Kaiser (U Bonn), “Die Thermohaline Zirkulation-Stochastische Analyse eines dynamischen Systems”, 2008 (cooperation with Prof. Dr. Andreas Hense)
- Isabelle Guilloton (Univ. Brest, ENSIETA ), “Centennial Oscillations of the NADW transport during glacial times”, 2008
- Sagar Bora (U Bremen),” Wave adjustment in a Finite Element Ocean Model”, 2008 (main supervision: Dr. Sergey Danilov)
- Christian Stepanek (U Würzburg) “Einfluss der Ozeanpassagen auf das Klima und die Auswirkung auf biogeochemische Kreisläufe: Anwendungen eines physikalischen Strömungs- und ozeanischen Biogeochemiemodells”, 2009
- Gong Xun (U Bremen/OUC Qingdao), “Paleo Arctic Ocean Hydrograph and Circulation in Last Glacial Maximum as Obtained from NAOSIM Model”, 2009
- Dragos Cirila (U Bremen), "Lattice Boltzmann Ocean Simulator”, 2009
- Stefan Moritz (U Potsdam), “Three-dimensional modelling of ocean circulation and marine biogeochemistry”, 2010
- Michael Stärz (U Freiberg), “Marine Dynamik der Arktis im letzten Hochglazial”, 2010
- Thomas Gölles (U Graz), “Modeling Oxygen Isotopes in Polythermal Ice Sheets”, 2010 (main supervision: Dr. Klaus Grosfeld)
- Michael Schröder (U Bremen), “Time uncertainty in marine climate proxies - Mathematical insights into the sedimentation process”, 2011 (supervision: Dr. Thomas Laepple)
- Katie Stoddart (U Brest), “Water masses of specific climates: Analysis of model output”, 2012
- Paul Gierz (U Frankfurt/Main), “Ocean Circulation Stability under Possible Future Climate Scenarios: Lessons from a Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean-Cryosphere Model”, 2012
- Veronica Emetc (U Hamburg, St. Petersburg), “Modeling Glacial-Interglacial Cycles with the Ice Sheet Model Rimbay: Sensitivity studies for Warm Climate States ”, 2013 (collaboration with U Hamburg, Kiel, and St. Petersburg)
- Moritz Krieger (U Bremen) “Climate impacts on the grape harvest date in France”, 2014
- Sebastian Hinck (Uni Bremen), "Hydrodynamical experiments with Lattice Boltzmann models", 2015. (main supervision: Dragos Chirila)
- Tim Hannemann (Uni Bremen), "Modelling of the mineral dust cycle under present and glacial conditions", 2015 (supervisor: Dr. Martin Werner)
- Akil Hossain (Uni Bremen), "Responses of climate modes to different ice sheet configurations during the Last Glacial Maximum", 2017 (main supervisor: Dr. Xu Zhang)
- Saeid Bagheri (Uni Bremen), "Analysis of Last Interglacial Climate using the newly developed coupled model AWI-CM", 2017 (supervision with Dr. Xiaoxu Shi)
- Jan Streffing (TU Braunschweig), High resolution simulations for present and past climate states with the earth system model "EC-Earth", 2017 (main supervisors: Dr. Christian Stepanek, Dr. Tido Semmler)
- Dilruba Peya (Uni Bremen), "Dissolution of CaCO3 in the present and glacial ocean: A comparison of the effects of different dissolution parameterizations", 2017 (supervisor: Dr. Christof Voelker)
- Sara Khosravi (Uni Bremen), "Comparison of Northern Canada and Greenland in the Past Climate", 2018 (main supervisor: Dr. Evan Govan)
- Florentina-Susanne Münzner (Uni Bremen), "Microplastics transport simulations in the southern North Sea", 2018 (supervisors: Dr. Gunnar Gerdts and Dr. Ulrich Callies)
- Eric Samakinwa (Uni Bremen): Modelling mid-Pliocene climate with COSMOS based on PlioMIP2 boundary conditions, 2018 (main supervisor: Dr. Christian Stepanek)
- Kamal Aldien Alawad (CofE-POGO-AWI-Heligoland, Sudan Meteorological Authority-Sudan): Large-scale modes impacts on the Sea level over the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, 2018 (co-supervision with Dr. Monica Ionita)
- Vanessa Kolatschek (Uni Bremen, Geoscience Department, 2018) Ocean circulation modeling of the Antarctic sub-ice-shelf cavities for present day and warm Earth scenario. (co-supervision with Dr. Ozgur Gurses)
- Daniel Balting (2019, Beuth Hochschule Berlin): Spatial influence of large-scale atmospheric patterns (co-supervision with Dr. Martin Wegmann, Dr. Monica Ionita, Dr. Norel Rimbu)
- Niclas Rieger (Uni Bremen, Uni Bordeaux, 2019), "Climate Variability During the Holocene Based on Changes in the Hydrological Cycle in the Northern Arabian Sea" (main supervisors: Dr. Thibaut Caley, Dr. Enno Schefuss and Dr. Bruno Malaize)
- Lars Ackermann (2019, TU Berlin), The effect of future warming on Atlantic Overturning using a coupled multi-resolution atmosphere-ocean-ice sheet model, supervision with Dr. Paul Gierz
- Georgia Micha (2020, Uni Bremen) Geographical variability of water stable isotopes in East Antarctica Plateau. supervision by Dr. Maria Hörhold
- Siva Kattamuri (2020, Uni Bremen), Basal melting of Antarctic ice shelves using an Ice Sheet model. main supervision by Dr. Christian Rodehacke and Dr. Uta Krebs-Kanzow
- Ahmadreza Masoum (2020, Uni Bremen), Heat and hydrological extremes in warm climates: Lessons from paleoclimate simulations; supervision with Dr. Christian Stepanek and Dr. Monica Ionita
- Hannah Meyer (2020, Uni Bremen), Characterization of a continuous-flow analysis facility and development of data correction techniques: An analysis of the instrument-induced mixing of the water isotopic record in firn cores; supervision by Dr. Maria Hörhold
- Carline Krug, (2021, Uni Bremen), Developing a semi-automatic dating tool for polar firn cores, supervised by Dr. Maria Hörhold and Dr. Tobias Erhardt
- Lotanna Ucheagu (2021, Uni Bremen), The influence of ice shelves on the Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Miocene; supervision with Dr. Lennert Stap
- Arpita Bose, (2022, Uni Bremen), Quantification of the impact of adjusted ozone climatology on a warmer than present climate simulated by AWI-ESM-2.1-LR; supervised with Dr. Christian Stepanek
- Umesh Dubey (2022, Uni Bremen), Simulations of Marine Isotope Stage 3 climate using maximal and minimal Ice sheet scenario with AWI-ESM-2.1; supervised with Dr. Paul Gierz
- Ernest Agyemang-Oko (2022, Uni Bremen) "Global and Arctic Climate Engineering : Numerical Model Studies", supervision with Dr. Hu Yang
- Gidadao Kowiy Tunde, (2022, Uni Bremen), Cretaceous Simulation with the Earth System Model AWI-ESM-2, supervised with Drs. Johann Klages, Paul Gierz, Gregor Knorr
- Endurance Igbinosa, (2022, Uni Bremen), Analysis of the seasonality based on the angular calendar in paleo-climate simulations with AWI-ESM. supervised with Dr. Xiaoxu Shi
- Richard Adesuyan (2022, Uni Bremen), Climate Variability of Coupled and Partially Coupled Numerical Experiments: a study based on AWI-ESM; supervision with Lars Ackermann and Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Gerdes
- Bariah Irfan, (2022, Uni Bremen), Testing cloud parameterizations based on observations at Neumayer Station. supervised by Dr. Uta Krebs-Kanzow
- Stanley Agu (2022, Uni Bremen) "Effect of ocean initial condition on long-term Atlantic Meridional Circulation", supervision with Lars Ackermann
- Hanna Knahl, (2022, Uni Bremen), “The Climate of the Eocene-Oligocene- Transition during the Antarctic Ice Sheet Buildup: Modern Climate Model Simulations“, supervised with Dr. Johann Klages
- Alexander Thorneloe (2023, Uni Bayreuth), Adjustment Processes in an Unstructured Ocean Circulation Model at Different Resolutions, supervised with Profs. Aizinger, Peters
- Moritz Rehage (2024, Uni Bremen), Deriving Dynamical Models from Paleoclimate Records and Kalman Filter Techniques
- Mareike Mammes (Uni Bremen), Climate simulations with AWI-CM3, supervision with Fernanda Matos
- Anton Wimmer (Uni Bremen), Stability of AMOC, supervision with Lars Ackermann
Former Master/Diploma Students:
Current Master Students