Curriculum vitae
Born | 1965 in Göttingen, Germany. Born@320 ppmv |
School | Theodor-Heuss-Gymnasium, Göttingen, Germany |
Civil Service | 1984-1986, Martinsclub, Wangerooge, Germany. |
Voluntary work | Ornithological station (Mellumrat) in Wangerooge, Germany |
1986: Work in the Kibbuz Afek (Hebrew: אֲפֵק ), Israel (Aufbauwerk der Jugend in Deutschland e.V.) | |
Since 1989: Akademie für Ost-West-Begegnungen, member of the Federal Agency for Civic Education. 2010-2023 in the board of directors | |
Universities | 1986-1992: Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Paedagogics at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen and Philipps University Marburg |
1987: Teaching at a secondary School in Niederwalgern, Hessen | |
1988: Undergraduate degree (similar to B.S.) in Physics and Mathematics, Marburg University | |
1989-1992: Scholarship of the ''Hoechst Foundation'' | |
1990: Diploma Examinations (similar to M.S.) in Physics, University of Marburg/Lahn Scientific and Teaching Assistant in the Department for Statistical Physics and Mathematics . | |
1992: Diploma thesis "Stability of stochastic dynamical systems" (Theoretical Physics). Supervisor is Prof. W. Maaß (former AG Ludwig, Grundlagen der Physik) | |
Ph.D. | 1992 - 1995: Research associate at the Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven, Germany. Ph.D. under the guidance of Dr. Rüdiger Gerdes, Prof. Dirk Olbers, and Prof. Deliang Chen (University of Gothenburg) |
1993: July-Oct Expedition to the Laptev Sea on Research vessel ''Polarstern'' | |
1994: Visiting Scientist at the Earth Science Center, University of Gothenburg, Sweden; Scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) | |
1995: Defence at the University of Bremen, Germany. Thesis: ''Stability of the Thermohaline Circulation in analytical and numerical models''. | |
1996: Dr. rer. nat., similar to Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) | |
Post-doc | 1996 - 2000: Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie in Hamburg, Germany.
Department: Physics of the Oceans & Climate Dynamics (Prof. Klaus Hasselmann). Research Group: Ocean Circulation (Dr. Ernst Maier-Reimer/Dr. Uwe Mikolajewicz) and Atmosphere-Ocean Coupling (Prof. Mojib Latif) Several Publications and conference contributions. |
Research Scientist | 2000-2001 Bremen University, Geoscience Department.
Responsible for the Bremen modelling contribution in the project 'Climate in historical times' (KIHZ). Organizing Committee of the Summerschool on Holocene climate variability. Several research projects, Seminars and teaching activity Frontiers of Science Symposia for 2000-2003 (US National Academy of Sciences) 2001-2004: European Geophysical Society (EGS, now: EGU): Secretary for Meteorology |
Research Group |
2001-2006: Junior research group for 'Earth System Modeling and analysis' at the Department
Theoretical Meteorology of the University of Hamburg and Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM),
BMBF founded Project 'Climate Transitions'
2001-2003: Lecturer at the University of Hamburg 2002-2004: Tenure at Bremen University, MARUM 2003-2006: Spokesperson for the German climate research program DEKLIM Editorial Boards Climate of the Past (2004-2015); Earth System Dynamics (2010-2025); Arktos (2015-2021); PLOS ONE (2018- ); OLAR (2025-) |
Professor |
since 2004: Professor for Physics of the Climate System, Physics Department of the University of Bremen in cooperation with the
Alfred Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven
since 2005: Section head 'Paleoclimate Dynamics' at the Alfred Wegener Institute 2006-2009: President for the Climate division of the European Geoscience Union (EGU) 2006-2013: Scientific Steering Board of the Model and Data Group at the German Climate Computing Centre 2007-2018: Excellence Cluster marum 'The Ocean in the Earth System' at the University of Bremen. 2007: Guest Scientist at PAGES & University of Bern, Switzerland. |
2008- |
2008-2016: Initiator and Speaker of the Earth System Science Research School (ESSReS)
2008-2011: Head of COSMOS Paleo Activity 2008-2011: Speaker of the DFG - Research Unit 'Understanding Cenozoic Climate Cooling' 2009: Guest Lecturer at the Geoscience centre Gothenburg, Sweden. Guest Scientist University of Norwich, UK. 2009: Romanian Academy Award „Stefan Hepites“ with Norel Rimbu, Klaus Grosfeld, Klaus Fraedrich, Frank Lunkeit for "understanding of atmospheric circulation during the Holocene" 2010: Guest Scientist at the Faculty of Physics, University of Bukarest, Romania 2012, 2014: Guest Scientist at the First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) and Ocean University of China (OUC) in Qingdao, China 2012 - 2023: Science Advisory Board of 'KatRisk LLC' (USA, Germany). 2013: Master programme for climate within 'Umweltwissenschaften' at Fern Universität Hagen 2013: Participant in the Center of interdisciplinary research 2013-2020: Topic Speaker at AWI (Lessons from the Past; The Earth system from a polar perspective) 2014: Member of the Expert Group on "Environmental Technology/Water/Climate/Geosciences/Marine and Polar Research" to develop a China strategy for the German government 2015: Scales and Scaling in the Climate System: Bridging theory, climate models and data. PAGES group Climate Variability Across Scales: from centuries to millennia (CVAS) 2015 - 2025: Steering Committee and Speaker of WG 1: Physical system in the PalMod Project |
2016- |
2016: Guest Professor at the First Institute of Oceanography, Qingdao, China.
2018, 2019: Guest Scientist at the Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research (KIT), Atmospheric Environmental Research, Garmisch-Partenkirchen 2019-2025: PI in the Cluster of Excellence "The Ocean Floor – Earth’s Uncharted Interface", University of Bremen, ("Recorder", "Modeling") Supporting Fridays4Future/Scientists4Future, Member of New York Academy of Sciences PI for Ocean and climate seamless forcasting system (OSF) (pdf: Ocean Decade project) 2021-2025: Topic Speaker Ocean and Cryosphere under climate change in the Program Changing Earth - Sustaining our Future |
2021- |
2021: Elected
member for the Academia Europaea
to promote interdisciplinary and international research, advise governments and international organisations in scientific matters
2023: Earth Science in Germany Leader Award 2024-2030: ERC synergy grant, Project "i2B - Into the Blue" (i2B project site) Since 2024: Sachverständigenrat in Bremen für Fragen des Klimaschutzes und der Energiepolitik (link) (link) |
Gerrit Lohmann studied physics and mathematics at the Universities Göttingen and Marburg, and received the diploma in physics in 1992. From 1992 to 1995 he worked as a graduate research assistant at the Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven, Germany. In 1994, he was a visiting scientist at the Earth Science Centre, University of Gothenburg and got a scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD. He obtained his Ph.D. Degree in physics in Bremen in 1995/1996. After 5 years at the Max-Planck-Institute in Hamburg working on climate modelling, he worked at the Geosciences Department at the University of Bremen and the Meteorological Institute at the University of Hamburg. From 2002 to 2004, he had a tenure position at Bremen University, Center for Marine Environmental Sciences and was a lecturer at the University of Hamburg and the European Graduate College in Marine Sciences. He authors more than 350 peer-reviewed publications in international journals in the fields of climate modelling, and statistical analysis of observational and proxy data. Since July 2004, he is a professor for Physics of the Climate System ("Paleoclimate Dynamics") at the Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven in cooperation with the Physics Department at the University of Bremen. Gerrit Lohmann was active in several national and international projects and activities, e.g. President of the climate division of the European Geosciences Union (2006-2009). He was the initiator and speaker of the Earth System Science Research School (ESSReS) at the University of Bremen, Jacobs University Bremen, and AWI Bremerhaven. He had several short-term research stays, conference contributions, and teaching at summer/winter schools. Finally, he supervised more than 50 students and 40 PhDs at the Universities Hamburg and Bremen.
Gerrit Lohmann ist seit 2004 am Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung (AWI) und vertritt im Fachbereich Physik/Elektrotechnik der Universität Bremen den Bereich Physik des Klimasystems. Gerrit Lohmann studierte Physik und Mathematik an den Universitäten Göttingen und Marburg und schrieb seine Diplomarbeit im Bereich der Theoretischen Physik über stochastische Systeme und Hydrodynamik. Gerrit Lohmann war Doktorand am AWI, Gastwissenschaftler am Earth Science Center der Universität Göteborg und Stipendiat des DAAD. Im Jahre 1995 legte er seine Dissertation über die Stabilität der Ozeanzirkulation ab. 1996 wandte Gerrit Lohmann sich dem Gebiet der Erdsystemmodellierung und der Datenanalyse zu und arbeitete bis 2000 am Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie in Hamburg. In den folgenden Jahren arbeitete er am Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen, am Meteorologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg und am Zentrum für marine Umweltwissenschaften der Universität Bremen. Er war Leiter einer Arbeitsgruppe, die im Rahmen der Nachwuchsförderung zur deutschen Klimaforschung eingerichtet wurde. Gerrit Lohmann ist an der Organisation von nationalen wie internationalen Symposien beteiligt (z.B. US Academy of Sciences, Humboldt-Stiftung, Europäischen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft) und initiierte nationale wie internationale Forschungsprojekte. Er publiziert über 340 Fachbeitrage in internationalen Zeitschriften im Bereich der Klimamodellierung, Dateninterpretation, sowie über die Rolle von Metaphern bei wissenschaftlichen Entdeckungen. Er gibt regelmäßig Vorträge zu Fragen des Klimawandels und ist Verfasser von mehreren Büchern. Sein Arbeitsgebiet umfasst die Entwicklung und Analyse komplexer Modelle zu Simulationen abrupter Klimaübergänge, Übergänge von Eis- zu Warmzeiten, sowie von Klimazuständen in der Zukunft. Parallel zu seiner Forschungsarbeit ist er in der Akademie für Ost-West-Begegnungen, einem anerkannten Träger der politischen Erwachsenenbildung (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung), aktiv. Er ist Mitglied der Academia Europaea und wurde 2016 mit einer Gastprofessur am renommierten chinesischen First Institute of Oceanography in Qingdao geehrt.
Gerrit Lohmann is at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) since 2004 and represents the topic Physics of the Climate System at the University of Bremen. Gerrit Lohmann studied physics and mathematics at the Universities of Göttingen and Marburg and wrote his diploma thesis in the field of theoretical physics on stochastic systems and hydrodynamics. Gerrit Lohmann was doctoral student at the AWI, guest researcher at the Earth Science Center of the University of Gothenburg and a DAAD scholarship holder. In 1995 he completed his doctoral thesis on the stability of the ocean circulation. In 1996, Gerrit Lohmann turned to the field of Earth system modelling and data analysis and worked at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg until 2000. In the following years he worked at the Department of Geosciences at the University of Bremen, the Meteorological Institute of the University of Hamburg and the Centre for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen. He was head of a junior research group as part of the promotion of young researchers on German climate research. Gerrit Lohmann is involved in the organization of national and international symposia (e.g. US Academy of Sciences, Humboldt Foundation, European Geophysical Union) and initiated national and international research projects. He has published more than 350 articles in international journals in the field of climate modelling, data interpretation and the role of metaphors in scientific discoveries. He had several short-term research stays, conference contributions, and teaching at summer/winter schools. Gerrit Lohmann (格里特 - 路漫) is Guest Professor at the First Institute of Oceanography, Qingdao, China. He supervised more than 50 students and 30 PhDs at the Universities Hamburg, Bremen, Qingdao. His field of work includes the development and analysis of complex models for simulating abrupt climate transitions, transitions from ice ages to warm periods, and future climate conditions. Gerrit Lohmann was born in Göttingen (Germany), with some roots in Emden (Ostfriesland), Rehefeld, Borodino (Bessarabien), Flögeln, Wesermünde, and Schwaben. Lohmann is/was active in various groups in society, like the Akademie für Ost-West-Begegnungen, an official provider of political education of the Federal Agency for Civic Education in Germany, Waldorf Education Movement, Lions Cosmopolitean, or the Anti-nuclear Movement. His father is Karl Lohmann (Economist). Brothers and sisters are Dag Lohmann (CEO Risk Modeling), Frauke Weyrich (Psychology), Imke Lohmann (Arts at Chengdu University), Wiebke Lohmann (Medical Doctor).