Supervision in cooperation with the University Bremen,
and the Postgraduate Programme Environmental Physics (pep).
See also the former school: Earth System Science Research School (ESSReS).
We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves (Galileo Galilei) (some hints for thesis writing and for the committees ). Here are some hints! Motto: 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索. The road is long, I will go up and down to find a way. This stems from a “2000 years old” ancient poetry 离骚(Li Sao)by the most famous ancient Chinese poet 屈原 (Qu Yuan).
Current PhD Students
finishing 2025:
finishing 2026+:
Here is some additional information about relevant formalities, procedures, and hints.
We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves (Galileo Galilei) (some hints for thesis writing and for the committees ). Here are some hints! Motto: 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索. The road is long, I will go up and down to find a way. This stems from a “2000 years old” ancient poetry 离骚(Li Sao)by the most famous ancient Chinese poet 屈原 (Qu Yuan).
Past PhD Students:
- Gregor Knorr (U Hamburg, 2005), “Collapse and Resumption of the Thermohaline Circulation during Deglaciation: Insights by Models of Different Complexity“
- Vanya Romanova (U Bremen, 2005) “Stability of the Climate System and Extreme Climates in Model Experiments“
- Stephan Lorenz (U Hamburg, 2006) "Glacial and interglacial climate during the late Quaternary: global circulation model simulations and comparison with proxy data"
- Thomas Laepple (U Bremen, 2009) “Climate variability from annual to multimillenial timescales: Insights from statistical and conceptual models“
- Monica Ionita (U Bremen, 2009) “Varability and potential predictability of Elbe river streamflow and their relationship to global teleconnection patterns”
- Luisa Cristini (U Bremen, 2010) “Cenozoic Antarctic Glaciation: an integrated climate-ice sheet approach” (Main supervision: Dr. Klaus Grosfeld)
- Marcus Herold (U Bremen, 2011) "Modelling Stable Isotopes in the Eemian and Holocene Hydrological Cycles“
- Wei Wei (U Bremen, 2011) "Simulated Holocene climate variability: insights from the long-term ocean circulation and the Caribbean climate"
- Patrick Scholz (U Bremen, 2012) "Validation and analysis of a Finite-Element Sea-Ice ocean model setup to study the interannual to decadal variability in the deep-water mass formation rates"
- Xu Xu (U Bremen, 2012) "Variations of oceanic and foraminiferal oxygen isotopes at the present day and the Last Glacial Maximum: Equilibrium simulations with an oceanic general circulation model" (co-supervision: Dr. Martin Werner; Prof. Dr. Jelle Bijma)
- Gong Xun (U Bremen, 2012) "Modelling the Last Glacial Maximum and Abrupt Climate Changes during the Last Glacial-interglacial Cycle" (co-supervision: Dr. Gregor Knorr)
- Sagar Bora (U Bremen, 2013) "Wave adjustment in a Finite Element Ocean Model" (supervision with Prof. Dr. Sergey Danilov)
- Tilman Hesse (U Bremen, 2013) "Towards a mechanistic understanding of the palaeoclimatological proxy d13C in benthic foraminifera" (supervision with Prof. Dr. Dieter Wolf-Gladrow)
- Michael Stärz (U Bremen, 2013) "Past Earth System Sensitivity: Forcing and feedback mechanisms on orbital time scales using regional and global models" (co-supervision: Dr. Gregor Knorr)
- Barbara Haese (U Bremen, 2014) "A new hydrogen-isotope approach to understand North African monsoon changes in the Holocene" (main supervisor: Dr. Martin Werner)
- Xu Zhang (U Bremen, 2014) "Simulating the Last Glacial Maximum and abrupt glacial climate shifts in a coupled Earth System Model" (co-supervision: Dr. Gregor Knorr)
- Christian Stepanek (U Bremen, 2015) "The mid-Pliocene warm period in climate model simulations - performance, improvements, and potential gateway effects"
- Madlene Pfeiffer (U Bremen Geo, 2016) "Holocene and Last Interglacial temperature trends and seasonality - Modelling and data analysis"
- Johannes Sutter (U Bremen, 2016) "Antarctic Ice Sheet evolution for warm climates"
- Xiaoxu Shi (U Bremen, 2016) "Simulated mid and early Holocene climate in ECHAM6-FESOM: Focus on North Atlantic variability"
- Hu Yang (U Bremen, 2016) “Dynamic changes of subtropical western boundary currents under global warming“
- Paul Gierz (U Bremen, 2016): "An Investigation of the Last Interglacial’s Climate Characteristics, Insights from a Stable Water Isotope Equipped Climate Model"
- Dragos Chirila (U Bremen, 2018): "Towards Lattice Boltzmann Models for Climate Sciences - The GeLB programming language with applications"
- Shizhu Wang (Qingdao, China, 2019), "Effect of Non-breaking Surface Wave-induced Mixing on Upper Oceans in Glacial and Interglacial Climates" (collaboration with Fangli Qiao, FIO)
- Christopher Danek (U Bremen, 2019), "Modeling the North Atlantic and Labrador Sea dynamics with the global high-resolution ocean model FESOM" (co-supervision: Dr. Patrick Scholz)
- Anna Pagnone (U Bremen, 2019): "Processes affecting the oceanic iron cycle and their interaction with marine biology and climate". Universität Bremen/AWI Biogeology (supervised by Christoph Voelker)
- Lu Niu (U Bremen, 2019): The role of the atmosphere on Northern Hemisphere ice sheet evolution during the late Pleistocene. (supervised with Evan Gowan)
- Igor Niezgodzki (Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, Poland, 2019) (supervision with Gregor Knorr, Jarosław Tyszka)
- Daniel Balting (Uni Bremen, 2022) "A past, present, future perspective on the European summer climate: A study based on climate proxies, climate observations and climate models" (mainly supervised by Monica Ionita)
- Akil Hossain (Uni Bremen, 2022) "Impact of Atmospheric CO2 and Atlantic-Arctic Gateways Opening on Miocene Climate and Thermohaline Changes" (supervised with Gregor Knorr, Wilfried Jokat)
- Yuchen Sun (Uni Bremen, 2022): "Modelling of the End of Last Ice Age in Transient Framework with a Coupled Climate Model" (supervision with Xu Zhang, Gregor Knorr, Martin Werner)
Nadezhda Sokolova (Uni Bremen, FB Biology/Chemistry, 2022):
"Modelling temperature effects on population-specific growth patterns of Atlantic cod (
Gadus morhua )" (co-supervised with Martin Butzin and Hans-Otto Pörtner) - Stephan Krätschmer (Uni Bremen, 2022): "Mineral Dust Simulations with ECHAM6.3-HAM2.3 for Present-Day and Past Climate Conditions." (main supervisor: Martin Werner)
- Sebastian Hinck (Uni Bremen, 2022): "Impact of glacio-lacustrine interactions on ice-sheet dynamics" (supervision with Evan Gowan)
- Lars Ackermann (Uni Bremen, 2023): "Climate-cryosphere interactions for past, present and future climates with the comprehensive earth system model AWI-ESM" (co-supervision: Dr. Gregor Knorr)
- Justus Contzen (Uni Bremen, 2023): "An investigation of present and future climate extremes using climate model data", project System analyses in climate data (supervision with Prof. Thorsten Dickhaus)
- Pengyang Song (Uni Bremen, 2024), "Tidal dynamics and Cavities in AWI-ESM2: Modelling and Implications"
- Diana Caldarescu (Uni Bremen, FB2, 2024): "Exploring growth variability and extremes in Arctica islandica bivalve species in the context of large-scale climatic phenomena" (main supervisor: Monica Ionita, co-supervisor: Thom Brey)
- Ahmadreza Masoum (Uni Bremen, 2024): "Earth system models of different complexity with data assimilation" (co-supervision: Dr. Lars Nerger)
- Saeid Bagheri (Uni Bremen, defence 2025): "Present and past variations of the Antarctic water cycle and its isotopic composition", (main supervisor: Martin Werner)
- Yugeng Chen (Uni Bremen, defence 2025), "Role of Paleotides for the ocean circulation during Termination I", with Prof. Dr. Xianyao Chen, Ocean University of China
Junior Research Group (Hamburg and Bremen):
AWI time (2009-2014):
AWI time (2015-2021):
AWI time (2022-2025):
Current PhD Students
finishing 2025:
- Di Cai, "The feedback mechanisms in the Arctic and the role in Arctic climate change" with Prof. Dr. Xianyao Chen, Ocean University of China (start in 2021) (co-supervision: Dr. Monica Ionita)
- Shan Xu (supervised with Uta Krebs-Kanzow)
- Smit Doshi, “Compound extreme events: a long-term perspective" (start in 2021)(supervised mainly by Dr. Monica Ionita)
- Fernanda Matos, “Warming Climates across timescales - insights from the multi-resolution climate model AWI-ESM3” (start in 2022)(supervised mainly by Dr. Christian Stepanek)
- Xiaojie Hao, "On the role of the AMOC for paleoclimates" with Prof. Xianyao Chen, Ocean University of China (start in 2022)
finishing 2026+:
- Hanna Knahl, "Antarctic ice sheet in a warming climate", University of Bremen (start in 2023)
- Alexander Thorneloe (start in 2023), "Digital Twin for Paleoclimate"
- Alessandro Gagliardi (start in 2023), "Greenland ice cores as proxy for European extremes" (supervision mainly by Dr Monica Ionita)
- Yongyue Luo, "On Eurasian extremes under global warming" with Dr. Monica Ionita
Here is some additional information about relevant formalities, procedures, and hints.