Some projects
Material for different groups:
1. Climate and wine: Mosel, climate change and wine, website, regions, website2
Tasks: Evaluate potential zones of wine production for past, present and future.
Use climatologies and model output from the past, present and future. Develop empirical relations based on the above material!
2. Teleconnections
Task: Evaluate the teleconnections to the temperature and precipitation of your home town!
Discuss the circulation in terms of the SLP field. Select the DJF and JJA climate separately.
3. Grape harvest days: Burgundy
Task: Evaluate the teleconnections with other grape harvest days
4. Atmospheric conveyor belt: paper1, Madonna et al., or here, paper2, paper3, belts
Tasks: Review the development of the atmospheric conveyor
5. Karman vortices Jan Mayen, Etling, JAS ; NASA, esa
Tasks: Simulate with the 2D LBM model Karman vortices for Jan Mayen
6. Flohn and paleoclimate: paper1
Tasks: Review the contributions of Flohn in the context of paleoclimate research
IPCC Report: Technical Summary
- Introduction
- Observations: Atmosphere and Surface
- Observations: Ocean
- Observations: Cryosphere
- Information from Paleoclimate Archives
- Carbon and Other Biogeochemical Cycles
- Clouds and Aerosols
- Anthropogenic and Natural Radiative Forcing
- Evaluation of Climate Models
- Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
- Near-term Climate Change: Projections and Predictability
- Long-term Climate Change: Projections, Commitments and Irreversibility
- Sea Level Change
- Climate Phenomena and their Relevance for Future Regional Climate Change
Annex II: Climate System Scenario Tables
Annex III: Glossary
Annex IV: Acronyms
other things:
- Climate models: functioning? Evaluation of climate models (IPCC2013) (Presse zu Kopenhagen) (Folien)
- Abrupt Climate Change (link) (paper) (see IPCC Report; Heinrich Ereignissen bis El Nino )
- Climate projections ( IPCC chapter 10,11,12)
- Green Sahara ? (link2)
- Sea level change: IPCC here, (link1)
- Flohn paper1