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Bachelor Physics (in German)

Die Universität Bremen bietet die Physikausbildung mit dem europäischen Studiensystem mit Bachelor- und Masterabschlüssen an. Die sechs Semester der ersten Phase mit dem Abschluss Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) bieten eine solide Grundausbildung in der Breite der experimentellen und theoretischen Physik. Davon dienen die ersten zwei Studienjahre der Grundausbildung. Im dritten Studienjahr werden die Studierenden an die aktuelle Forschung herangeführt. Physik kann als Vollfach (ehemals Diplomstudiengang) und als Haupt- oder Nebenfach (in einem 2-FachStudium) studiert werden. Hauptfach Physik wird mit anderen Fächern kombiniert, z.B. mit Nebenfach Geograhie (Studienverlauf) oder als Nebenfach Mathematik

Die Studierenden des Bachelor-Studiengangs Physik können die Umweltphysik als Wahlfach belegen. Die Bachelor-Veranstaltungen werden in Deutsch unterrichtet. Dieser fachspezifische Anteil macht gut 35% des Bachelorstudiengangs aus. Zusätzlich bearbeiten die Studierenden im 6. Semester ein Projekt und ihre Bachelorarbeit.

Infoblatt Physik, Modulhandbuecher Physik

eGeneral Studies

Master in Physik (in German)

Der Bremer Master-Studiengang Physik ist einer der wenigen in Deutschland, die das interessante Gebiet Umweltphysik als Wahlfach anbieten. Auch Studierende anderer Fachbereiche können Umweltphysik als Nebenfach wählen (z.B. Technomathematik).

Die Lehrveranstaltungen finden im Rahmen des Postgraduate Programme Environmental Physics (PEP) statt, zusammen mit denen für den M.Sc. in Environmental Physics. Sie werden von Studierenden aus allen Teilen der Welt besucht und daher auf Englisch abgehalten. (Für deutschsprachige Studierende ist das in der Regel übrigens eher eine Bereicherung als eine Schwierigkeit). Die Lehrveranstaltungs-Angebote auf den PEP-Webseiten gelten damit auch für alle Studierenden der Universität Bremen, die Umweltphysik als Wahl- oder Nebenfach haben. Einige zusätzliche Informationen in Deutsch finden Sie hier.

Environmental Physics - atmosphere, ocean, land, climate (in English)

The Postgraduate Programme Environmental Physics encompasses various areas of research that range from atmospheric sciences, physics of the ocean and ice, polar research to terrestrial physics.

The programme is jointly taught and organized by the staff of the Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP) of the Faculty 1 of the University of Bremen and the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven. Both institutes are among the leading research institutes in the field of environmental sciences in Germany with a strong international reputation.

Students have different study options:

  1. Master of Science in Environmental Physics (M.Sc.) after two years
  2. Environmental Physics Certificate after one year
  3. Master of Science in Physik (M.Sc.) with “Wahlfach Umweltphysik” after two years
  4. Particularly qualified students may enter directly a Ph.D. programme after successful completion of one year of PEP.

## Masters Degree in Space Sciences and Technologies (in English)

The international and application oriented Masters Prorgramme Space Sciences and Technologies covers the three basic technologies Sensing, Processing and Communication.

Lectures for Students

Supervision of Students

Doctorate (PhD) (in English)

The PhD is the first phase of independent scientific work in physics. It is predominantly part of project-related research. In physics, about one third of the graduates earn their doctorate degree.

The Alfred Wegener Institute of Polar and Marine Research Bremerhaven and the University of Bremen provide a unique research environment in Germany, bridging the gap between traditional disciplines. Our PhD topics combine observations, modelling, and data analysis in order to understand and decipher the complex earth’s climate system and their interaction with the biosphere.

Accompanying courses in earth system science contain a great deal of necessary technical and specialised areas: specialists from the institutes as well as national and international collaboration partners will give lectures about fundamental concepts of the related research fields, and provide knowledge through expert courses on special themes. Students will be given the opportunity to attend conferences and summer schools, excursions, as well as visits at international partner institutes. Furthermore, our PhD-programme includes compulsory courses on presentation techniques, communication and scientific management.

Teaching for PhD students

Supervision of PhD Students


“Culture Fit” is the very opposite of diversity. And yet I observe many companies, even those actively promoting diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI), still using it.

Implementing a diversity, equity & inclusion approach in your organization means you change the culture. If you’d be still looking for a “culture fit” when hiring and promoting, then you change nothing. It’s a dead end.

There was an attempt in DEI world to promote “Culture Add” instead of “Culture Fit”, but the problem with it was that it’s still a very vague concept and it’s hard to measure, define and attract people who would support your safe environment.

What I think is a better way to put it is “Values Fit” for several reasons:

  1. Values should never be compromised.

  2. Setting values as the only pre-condition, allows us to preserve a safe and welcoming environment.

  3. You invite a full spectrum of cultures, perspectives, learning styles, life backgrounds, etc. - people who are united around core values.

It might seem like a minor wording thing but believe me, when implemented right, it enables a tremendous shift in the organizational mentality.

Why Bremen?

You fathom the Earth environmental system ! The University of Bremen is the nationwide academic leader in environmental physics, climate and remote sensing research. No place in Germany is better to fathom the function and dynamics of the environment.

You join research! A distinctive feature of our faculty is the close exchange between education and top-level research. As M.Sc. student you will contribute actively and originally to ongoing research projects.

You study globally! For an optional study term abroad, you choose from our Erasmus partner universities in many countries. Our M.Sc. program are taught in English and attract students from around the world.

You can dig it! Bremen scientists count as competent and ambitious, but also as approachable and down-to-earth. Student life in the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen has many qualities and is remarkably affordable.

% scale of Marks 0-49 50-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 86-90 91-95 96-100
grade 5 4 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.0