Modelling of the Earth System
University of Bremen
Prof. Dr. Gerrit Lohmann / Dr. Silke Thoms / Prof. Dr. Thomas Jung / Prof. Dr. Mihalis Vrekoussis
Number: 01-01-03-MES
Module section 2 / Theoretical Basics
Compulsory for MSc Environmental Physics
3 CP, 90 h
• presence (lecture & example classes): 28 h (2 SWH x 14 weeks)
• preparation, learning + examples: 28h
• preparation for exam: 10h
Lecture room: NW1 S3032 (PEP Raum)
-> online only
1) 15/4/21 (MV) INTRODUCTION: Earth system model components, definitions, processes.
2) 22/4/21 (ST) NUMERICAL APPROXIMATIONS I: Finite differences: Ordinary differential equations (Runge-Kutta etc)
3) 29/4/21 (ST) NUMERICAL APPROXIMATIONS II: Finite differences: Partial differential equations (Arakawa Grids etc)
4) 6/5/21 (ST) EXAMPLES: waves, diffusion, boundaries
5) 13/5/21 Holiday – No lecture
6) 20/5/21 (TJ) NUMERICAL APPROXIMATIONS III: Finite Volume and Finite Elements and spectral methods (atmosphere and ocean)
7) 27/5/21 (MV) ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY I: Chemistry Transport Models (chemical processes including types of models, box models, grids, coordinates)
8) 3/6/21 ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY II: Inverse methods MV/ND
9) 10/6/21 (GL) RANDOM SYSTEMS (Stochastic differential equations, Lattice Gases) Lecture and Information
10) 17/6/21 (GL) CRYOSPHERE (Sea ice, ice sheets, and permafrost) Lecture, Exercises, and Information
11) 24/6/21 (GL) Earth system models including DYNAMICAL VEGETATION Lecture, Exercises, and Information
12) 1/7/21 (TJ) DATA ASSIMILATION (Kalman filters etc)
13) 8/7/21 (TJ) HIGH-PERFORMANCE COMPUTING (scalability, Moore’s law)
14) 15/7/21 SUMMARY (GL, MV, ST, TJ)
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