topics: Holocene, abrupt climate change, long-term variability, ocean circulation, …
Exercises Energy balance model
or the
What will happen if the CO2 content in the atmosphere is
(Radiative forcing= 4 Wm-2= lowering of A )
Discuss the sea ice evolution during the year !
Reduce (enhance) the sea ice thermal conductivity by 20% mimiking more (less) snow on top of sea ice !
Write down the numerical scheme (time stepping) !
Berger A., 1978 Long-term variations of daily insolation and Quaternary climatic changes. Journal of Atmospheric Science, 35(12), 2362-2367.
Huybers, P. and I. Eisenman, 2006. Integrated summer insolation calculations. NOAA/NCDC Paleoclimatology Program Data Contribution #2006-079.
Lohmann, G., 2020 Climate Dynamics: Concepts, Scaling and Multiple Equilibria. Lecture Notes 2020, Bremen, Germany.
Lohmann, 2020 Temperatures from energy balance models: the effective heat capacity matters, Earth Syst. Dynam., 11, 1195–1208.
Wagner and Eisenman, 2015 How Climate Model Complexity Influences Sea Ice Stability. Journal of Climate.