Lecture/Reading: Monday, 14-16; Prof. Dr. Gerrit Lohmann, Dr. Monica Ionita (start 14:15) Room: NW1 N3310

Tutorial: Monday, 16-17; Fernanda Matos, Ahmadreza Masoum (start 16:00)


The focus of the course is to identify the underlying dynamics of the atmosphere-ocean system. The fundamental concepts of atmosphere-ocean flow, energetics, vorticity, and wave motion are described. These phenomena are described using dynamical equations, climate data, as well as basic physical and mathematical concepts. Exercises complement the lessons.

Key words

Fluid dynamics, ocean circulation, wind-driven and thermohaline circulation; atmosphere dynamics, dynamical system theory, non-dimensional parameters, bifurcations and instabilities; Gravity, Rossby, and Kelvin waves; Conceptual models, Analytical and Programming techniques; Time series analysis

Learning outcome

Advanced dynamics of the ocean and atmosphere, applications in the fields of climate dynamics and fluid mechanics. Programming skills and usage of the climate data operators. Theoretical concepts in physics of climate, temporal and spatial scales of climate dynamics.


Code no. 01-01-03-Dyn2-V

Assignment to study programmes: Compulsory for MSc Environmental Physics, Optional compulsory for MSc Physik

Workload /credit points: 3 CP, 90 h

• lectures: 20 h (2 h x 10 weeks)

• repeating the lectures/learning/reading: 20 h (2 h x 10)

• example classes: 10 h

• example classes homework: 30 h (3 h x 10)

• additional preparation for exam: 10 h

Course and examination performance

There are two parts: Course achievements and examination achievements (Studienleistungen und Prüfungsleistungen)

Course achievements:

50% of the points of the exercise sheets are required. Furthermore, we require active participation with at least one time showing a solution.

Working in study groups is encouraged, but each student is responsible for his/her own solution. If the solution is typewritten (e.g. with LaTex, Rmarkdown, or word), we allow up to 3 persons to be listed on a solution sheet. Send in your solutions in form of a PDF to our email addresses (one PDF per group!).

Examination achievements:

You have to pass the written exam Aug 15, 10-12. Room N3130

The exam is based on the exercises and the general content of the lecture. The procedure follows the rules of pep.



Time table

2) April 24 (CS)


Content in script: Programming in bash, climate data operators

Exercise 2 distributed and start of the work

Tutorium by CS


3) May 8 (MI)

Content: Angular momentum and Hadley Cell, Wind-driven ocean circulation

16:00 Tutorium (FM) about solutions of Exercise 1;

Exercise 3 distributed


4) May 15 (MI)

Content: Climate variability and dynamics

16:00 Tutorium (CS) about solutions of Exercise 2;

Exercise 4 distributed


7) June 12 (GL)

Content: Deep ocean circulation, Conceptual models

Box model and climate scenarios

16:00 Tutorium (FM) about solutions of Exercise 5;

Exercise 7 distributed


8) June 19 (GL)

Content: Shallow water equations and Waves

16:00 Tutorium (FM) about solutions of Exercise 6;

Exercise 8 distributed


9) June 26 (GL)

Stochastic Climate Model

16:00 Tutorium (FM) about solutions of Exercise 7;

Exercise 9 distributed


10) July 3 (AWI-IUP Blockseminar day)

no lecture, no tutorium

Test exam: 2 h at home. The pdf will be electronically distributed.


11) July 10 (GL)

14:15 Inverted lecture, questions about the course and test exam

15:15 Tutorium (AM) for the solutions of Exercise 8 and Exercise 9



Exam written on Aug 15, 10-12. N3130




  • Lohmann, G., 2020: Climate Dynamics: Concepts, Scaling and Multiple Equilibria. Lecture Notes 2020, Bremen, Germany. (pdf of the script)
  • Holton, J.R., and Hakim, G. J., 2013: Introduction to Dynamical Meteorology, Academic Press, Oxford (UK). —Fifth edition / Gregory J. Hakim. ISBN 978-0-12-384866-6 pdf
  • Marchal, J., Plumb, R. A., 2008. Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics: An Introductory Text. Academic Press, 344 pp; videos pdf
  • R Core Team (2013). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL http://www.R-project.org/. An Introduction to R derived from an original set of notes describing the S and S-PLUS environments written in 1990–2 by Bill Venables and David M. Smith when at the University of Adelaide. Online document at https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-intro.html.
  • Torfs, P., and & Brauer, C., 2014: A (very) short introduction to R
  • Fieguth, P., An Introduction to Complex Systems Society, Ecology, and Nonlinear Dynamics. Publisher textbook page at Springer ISBN 978-3-319-44605-9 1st ed. 2017, XII, 346 p. 243 illus., 178 illus. in color. link
  • Gill, A., Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics, Academic Press
  • Dutton, J.A., The Ceaseless Wind, Dover
  • Olbers, D.J., Ocean Dynamics, Springer
  • Cushman-Roisin, B. & Beckers, J.-M., Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics: Physical and Numerical Aspects
  • Stewart, R. H., 2008: Introduction To Physical Oceanography, online Version:  http://oceanworld.tamu.edu/home/course_book.htm
  • Stocker, T. F., 2011. Introduction to Climate Modelling. Springer. SBN 978-3-642-00773-6
  • Saltzman, B., Dynamical Paleoclimatology - A generalized theory of global climate change, Academic Press, San Diego, 2002, 354 pp.
  • Gershenfeld, N., The nature of mathematical modeling, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003, 344 pp.
  • Goose, H., Climate system dynamics and modelling, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015, 358 pp.
  • Pruscha, H., 2013: Statistical Analysis of Climate Series Analyzing, Plotting, Modeling, and Predicting with R, VIII, 176 p. (link)
  • Kämpf, J., 2009: Ocean Modelling for Beginners Using Open-Source Software. Springer. (link)
  • Kaper, H.G., Engler, H., 2013: Mathematics and Climate. SIAM. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-611972-60-3
  • Hantel, M., 2013: Einführung Theoretische Meteorologie. ISBN 978-3-8274-3055-7 DOI 10.1007/978-3-8274-3056-4 Springer, Heidelberg.
  • Fluid Mechanics (link to Films NCFMF) (link to MIT class) (link to waves)
  • Trauth, Martin H., 2023: Python Recipes for Earth Sciences. Springer. (link)

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